Adam Williams graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington in 2017 with a B.S. in Kinesiology with a primary focus on prosthetic design. He has approximately 12 years of 3D modeling experience both in Solidworks and Autodesk Inventor. In 2015 Adam purchased his own 3D printer and taught himself how to operate and fix it as needed, as such Adam has designed and printed hundreds of projects ranging from simple household or recreational designs, to highly complex medical and mechanical endeavors.

Adam has won research awards for his own custom prosthetic designs and was even featured on national news for developing a specialized prosthetic arm for an 8 year old boy (Here). Many of his creations are still in development and are not accessible to the public as of yet, however check out Adam’s Thingiverse page to see some of the simpler and more broadly sought after pieces.

While Adam specializes in 3D modeling and printing he also has years of experience with various prototyping methods and an array of equipment including laser cutters, CNC mills, sewing, vinyl cutting, 3D scanning, screen printing, and typical wood/metal shop tools.

If you have an idea that seems stuck to the coffee-stained napkin you drew it on, contact Adam to help bring it to the next level!